Lab Techniques, Robust Design, and Troubleshooting Web based virtual presentation, four half days! November 6-9 (four half days) limted to 10 attendees Or pick your own dates in 2023! Contact me for details Design, troubleshooting, and tools are presented that are not taught by others with supporting case histories! We had a blast at the last presentation of this class, join us for this presentation to see why! Attending this class is like insurance against a design or field disaster for your company and can add to your company's results immediately (this quarter) far in excess of the course fee! Most of the information presented is from my research and not available elsewhere. --------------------> Registration is Open! <-------------------- Best to call or send an email before registering Why attend now?
The combination of the material presented and the
passionate presentation will likely make for the best technical short
course/seminar you have ever taken! Didn't think a technical
presentation can be passionate? This one is. The result is this short
course/seminar will likely be the most informative, practical, and FUN seminar you can attend. Some of the information you will learn is not covered anywhere else in the engineering world but will help you hone your engineering skills.
The seminar includes many design and troubleshooting techniques from my research that have saved my clients millions of dollars and are only available at this seminar. No other event, symposia, seminar, or webinar covers these privately developed techniques. New topics and features with more added monthly:
seminar, and its demonstrations, are the product of a lifetime of
experimentation and electronic design, 60+ years of electrical
engineering (starting at age 12). Major concepts discussed in the
seminar are illustrated with experiments on live circuits that were
developed over years and are quite unique, enabling a deeper
understanding of engineering concepts than seminars usually do. Many
new topics and experiments have been added over the last few months
that engineers and technicians will find very useful in producing,
testing, or debugging new and existing designs of ALL types. No other
seminar illustrates principles of design with experiments like this
seminar does! Using the techniques presented in this seminar, design
problems can be found and fixed in a few days, not weeks or months that
are typical in the industry, not to mention being able to avoid the
problems in the first place.
Seminar Testimonials Here is one of many testimonials:
"Your seminar still rates as one of the most educational experiences of my life. It was awesome." KC Armstrong
Click here for more! In addition, the seminar fee includes (for the same price that other seminars in the field cost for just the seminar and lunch):
Cancellation Policy: Please read before booking this seminar. Since there are only six seats for a great experience I cannot offer refunds, But there are options:
This seminar combines features from my University of Oxford classes for three days of practical information. Seminar Outline Click here to send an email for registration details. The Boulder City, NV seminar above is a very special event. To see testimonials, click here Contact me if you are interesting in having a semi-private "seminar-on-demand" for your company in Boulder City or on-site at your company location. The material can be custom tailored to your interests from topics you see on this website for groups of 2 to 8 on short notice. Click here to send an email requesting details. I can also arrange a session in Boulder City to troubleshoot your design on my test bench for small products. |