Address: P. O. Box 1457, Los Gatos,CA 95031
TEL: 800-323-3956/408-356-4186
FAX: 408-358-3799
Mobile: 408-858-4528
This probe has an inputimpedance above 1 GHz that can be 20 to 30 times or more greater than activedifferential probes when used with typical probe hardware. It also overcomesmany other limitations of active differential probes at high frequenciesas well. See the Technical Tidbit: August 2002, Probe Input Impedance Revisited- Active Probes
This instrument is a new fast pulser for simulatingenvironmental impulse noise such as some of the unusual forms of ESD describedon this site. It simulates noise sources not covered by current standardsthat have caused significant field problems in equipment.