HighFrequency Measurements Web Page
Douglas C. Smith Address: P. O. Box 1457, Los Gatos,CA 95031
TEL: 800-323-3956/408-356-4186
FAX: 408-358-3799
Mobile: 408-858-4528
URL: www.dsmith.org
Email: doug@dsmith.org
Published WorksTextbook:
- High Frequency Measurements and Noise In Electronic Circuits, 1992,published by Van Nostrand Reinhold, ISBN #0-442-00636-5, 231 pages
Papers: - "A Method of AccuratelyMeasuring Shielding Efffectiveness of Materials in Electronic Products", June 2002 white paper written for Wavezero, Sunnyvale, CA
- "Sources of Impulsive EMI in Large Server Farms", 2002 EOS/ESD Symposium paper
- "Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Inside a Hard Disk Drive Due to External ESD", 2002 EOS/ESD Symposium paper
- "The EMI/ESD Environment of Large Server Installations", 2001 EOS/ESD Symposium paper
- "ESD Immunity in System Designs, System FieldExperiences and Effects of PWB Layout", 2000 EOS/ESD Symposium paper
- "InvestigateSystem-Level ESD Problems", Test & Measurement World Magazine,November 1999, cover story.
- "Unusual Forms of ESD and Their Effects",1999 EOS/ESD Symposium Proceedings, pp.329-333.
- "Signal and Noise MeasurementTechniques Using Magnetic Field Probes," 1999 IEEE EMC Symposium Proceedings,pp. 559-563.
- "Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Damage to Giant Magnetoresistive (GMR)Recording Heads", 1998 EOS/ESD Symposium (jointly authored with A. Wallash).
- "Metrology and Methodology of System Level ESD Testing", 1998 EOS/ESD Symposium(jointly authored with D. Lin, D. Pommerenke, J. Barth, L. G. Henry, H.Hyatt, M. Hopkins, and G. Senko).
- "Damage to Magnetic Recording Heads Due to Electromagnetic Interference",1998 IEEE EMC Symposium (jointly authored with A. Wallash).
- "Current Probes, MoreUseful Than You Think", 1998 IEEE EMC Symposium.
- "A Method of Assessing Disk Drive EMI Performance for Large Arrays of Disks",1998 IEEE EMC Symposium (jointly authored with G. Dutrow and G. Seebruch).
- "A Method for TroubleshootingNoise Internal to an IC", 1997 IEEE EMC Symposium.
- "Measurements of ESD HBM Events, Simulator Radiation and Other CharacteristicsToward Creating a More Repeatable Simulation or; Simulators Should Simulate",1996 EOS/ESD Symposium (jointly authored with J. Barth, D. Dale, K. Hall,D. McCarthy, H. Hyatt, and J. Nuebel).
- "An Investigation into the Performance of theIEC 1000-4-4 Capacitive Clamp", 1996 EOS/ESD Symposium.
- "A New Method for Measuring the Shielding Effectiveness of Interconnectionsin Shielding Technologies: Application to Cellular Phone Gaskets for theHousing", 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility(jointly authored with Richard Haynes and Philip J. Muniz).
- "Measure Noise in Switching Supplies", Test & Measurement World, April1996, pp. 11-12.
- "Coaxial Magnetic Probes and Applications", ITEM 1996, pp. 128-129 (jointlyauthored with Richard Haynes).
- "Balanced Probe Extends High-Frequency Measurements",IEEE Circuits & Devices, Vol. 10, No. 6, November 1994, pp. 19-23.
- "EMC Performance Comparison of Shielded and Unshielded Data TransmissionSystems", EMC '94 Roma, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility,University of Rome "La Sapienza".
- "CISPR Conducted Emissions Measurements on Telecommunications Leads: AnImproved Test Proposal", 1994 IEEE International Symposium on ElectromagneticCompatibility.
- "An Improved Method of Characterizing Shielding Materials", 1994 IEEE InternationalSymposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (jointly authored with ChaunceyHerring and Richard Haynes both of the AT&T Engineering Research Centerat Princeton, NJ).
- "Troubleshooting Using a Differential Coax Probe", IEEE Santa Clara ValleyEMC '94.
- "A New Type of Furniture ESD and Its Implications", 1993 EOS/ESD Symposium.
- "Techniques and Methodologies for Making System Level ESD Response Measurementsfor Troubleshooting or Design Verification", 1992 EOS/ESD Symposium.
- "A Comparison of the Susceptibility Performance of Shielded and UnshieldedTwisted Pair Cable for Data Transmission", 1992 International Symposiumon Electromagnetic Compatibility (jointly authored with Bob Pritchard ofAT&T Network Cable Systems).
- "Applying High Frequency Techniques to Measuring ESD Phenomena and itsEffects", 1989 EOS/ESD Symposium.
- "Computer Simulation of ESD and Lightning Events", 1986 EOS/ESD Symposium.
- "Transmission Improvements on Local Loops by Using Active Terminations",1978 International Symposium on Subscriber Loops and Services.
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Questions or suggestions? Contact me at doug@dsmith.orgCopyright © 1999-2004 Douglas C. Smith