Abstract: Transient Voltage
Suppressor, TVS, devices are often used for protection from voltage transients in
electronic circuits. Sometimes they are used for purposes, such as ESD
protection, for which they are not characterized by the manufacturer of the part. Specifications of such
devices and applicability to other uses are discussed. Potential problem
areas are highlighted.
Discussion: Transient Voltage suppressors are widely used
to clamp transients due to lightning surges or other causes on signal
power lines in equipment. One particular part, the SMAJ48, is a silicon
avalanche diode that is popular for protecting 48 volt power circuits
in equipment. Inspection of a data sheet from one of the many
manufacturers of this component shows the maximum current (typically 40
Amperes) is specified for an 8.3 millisecond single half sine wave on
top of the
rated load. The peak pulse power of 400 Watts is specified for the 10
(rising edge) by 1000 microsecond (falling edge decay) lightning surge
waveform. The maximum peak current of 4.3 Amperes at rated clamping
voltage for this part is also rated for the 10x1000 microsecond
waveform. These specifications
indicate to me the SMAJ48 is designed primarily for relatively slow
waveforms. The literature claims response times of less than 1
picosecond, but no data is provided for such a fast waveform.
Table 2 shows some additional characteristics from a manufacturer's
data sheet. Note that even though breakdown occurs at about 70 Volts,
the clamping level rises to over 90 Volts at its rated current of 4.3
Part Number
Breakdown Voltage Range
Max Clamping Voltage @ Current
~ 64-71 Volts
~94 Volts @ 4.3 Amps*
100-1000 pF
* peak current of 10x1000us lightning surge
Table 1. Typical Ratings for a TVS device Used on 48 Volt Circuits
This part is sometimes used for protection
from very fast transients, such as ESD. Several problems can result
when the SMAJ48 is used on such transients, including unexpected
results. First, ESD currents are often much higher than four
Amperes, so just from device resistance alone one would expect the
clamping level to be significantly higher for many ESD events. Worst
than that, package and connection inductance is much more important for
the high di/dt that many ESD events exhibit. For an ESD example,
let's take a current change of ten Amperes in one nanosecond and assume
five nH of package and connection inductance (including PWB traces).
Five nanohenries is not a lot of inductance. Compare the results of the
ESD example with 4.3 Amps in ten microseconds implied from the
- 10 us waveform from data sheet: E = Ldi/dt = 5nH * 4.3Amps/10us = 2.15 mV! ( a very small voltage)
- 1 ns rise ESD current: E = Ldi/dt = 5nH * 10Amps/1ns = 50 Volts!
- This is a very significant voltage to add to the clamp voltage of >94 Volts that occurs at 4.3 Amperes.
- The total voltage drop might be on the order of 200 Volts if we neglect device capacitance.
The inductance of the package is not even specified on the data sheet I have!
In order to use this part for ESD protection, one would have to build a
test jig to measure its characteristics. If this is not done, one
cannot count on reliable, repeatable protection from ESD currents using
this part.
Another parameter from Table 1 of interest is the device
For ESD, device capacitance may affect the result as much as the
clamping action itself. The device capacitance varies with voltage and
can go from about 100 pF at
about 48 Volts bias to about 1000 pF at lower voltages. Five
nanohenries of inductance and 100 pF of capacitance makes a nice tuned
circuit at about 225 MHz lowering to about 70 MHz at 1000 pF. This
could cause an interesting oscillatory response in some instances.
may be an impact on EMC emissions performance as well from the addition
of this tuned circuit.
Protection devices should be characterized for the intended use. If the
manufacture's specification does not cover the planned use, the user
should characterize the part. It may be necessary to do it separately
for each manufacturer to be used. The ESD example given shows how
parasitic inductance can have a significant effect.
tutorial on this subject, covering background as well as more technical details, is available at:
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