High Frequency Measurements Web Page
Douglas C. Smith

 Address:  P. O. Box 1457, Los Gatos, CA 95031
 TEL:      800-323-3956/408-356-4186
 FAX:      408-358-3799
 Mobile:   408-858-4528
 URL:      www.dsmith.org
 Email:    doug@dsmith.org

Los Gatos, California

Los Gatos is a main site for public offerings of the High Frequency Measurements and Noise in Electronic Circuits seminar. It is a great place to visit and provides a relaxing setting for the seminar.

The Town Square
Main Street leading into town
A 70 year old date palm tree
Sculpture in front of City Hall
The Trail, a popular attraction
One of the entrances to the Trail
Entrance to footbridge over Route 17
LeBoulanger, the baker
Los Gatos High School
One of the many restored older buildings
The Forbes Mill Museum
Running is a popular sport in Los Gatos.
The Ferrari dealership, a place for car buffs.
One of the quaint shopping areas in town
This is not a surf shop, it is the local pizza place.
The Los Gatos Roasting Company
Bike shop/cafe, a "sprocket" sandwich anyone?
Pedestrians have right-of-way over cars here.
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Questions or suggestions? Contact me at doug@dsmith.org
Copyright © 2000 Douglas C. Smith