Discussion: Figure 1 shows the
test setup used for this Technical Tidbit. The test setup was also used in the
January 2010 Technical Tidbit
on this site where the focus was on measuring the resonance of the
boards. For this article, the focus is how do damp the resonance that
results when two boards (or one board and a chassis) are connected by conductors.
The setup is composed of two copper-clad boards connected by a wire about
four inches (~10 cm) long, a Fischer TG-EFT pulse generator, two
current probes, and a scope. The two boards are separated about one mm by a plastic bag. One current probe, a
Fischer F-62b, was used to inject pulses and the other, a
Fischer F-65, was used to monitor the current. The setup is described in more detail in the
January 2010 Technical Tidbit on this site.
2 shows the measured current in response to the injected pulse from the
Fischer TG-EFT generator. Note the ringing on the current waveform at
about 34 MHz has an amplitude of about 500 mA. This data was presented in the
January 2010 Technical Tidbit
but the question now is what to do about it. One could connect the
boards at multiple points to reduce the inductance between the
boards and thus raising the resonant frequency, hopefully high enough to not
be a problem. But sometimes, just moving the resonant frequency of a
structure is not enough or a designer is constrained to connect two
circuit boards at only one location. What can one do then about the resonance?
Figure 2. Current Measured Between Two Copper-clad Boards at 1 mm Spacing
(Vertical scale = 200 mA/div, Horizontal scale = 20 ns/div)
One possible answer is shown in Figure 3. A resistor is
connected between the two copper-clad boards. Figures 4, 5, and 6 show
the resulting current waveforms that resulted for resistor valuses of
360, 51, and 22 Ohms respectively. Note that 360 Ohms provides some
damping and 51 Ohms more, but 22 Ohms damped the ringing in less than
one cycle. The initial peak is about the same in all cases, just the
damping has been changed by the resistor value.
The data
suggests that the capacitive reactance between the copper-clad boards and the inductive reactance of the wire between them
is about 20 to 30 Ohms, a typical value encountered when mounting a
circuit board over a metal chassis at resonance. In that case, the
larger copper clad board in Figure 1 becomes the chassis.
Figure 3. Close-up View Showing a Resistor Connecting the Two Copper-clad Boards
Figure 4. Current Measured Between Two Copper-clad Boards at 1 mm Spacing With 360 Ohm Damping Resistor
(Vertical scale = 200 mA/div, Horizontal scale = 20 ns/div)
Figure 5. Current Measured Between Two Copper-clad Boards at 1 mm Spacing With 51 Ohm Damping Resistor
(Vertical scale = 200 mA/div, Horizontal scale = 20 ns/div)
Figure 6. Current Measured Between Two Copper-clad Boards at 1 mm Spacing With 22 Ohm Damping Resistor
(Vertical scale = 200 mA/div, Horizontal scale = 20 ns/div)
slight variation of the experiment is shown in Figure 7 where the
resistor has been moved to the opposite side of the boards from the
current probes and pulse injection. Figure 8 shows the result.
Figure 7. Test Setup Modified to Place the Damping Resistor Opposite the Current Probes
Figure 8. Current Measured Between Two Copper-clad Boards at 1 mm Spacing With 22 Ohm Damping Resistor Opposite Current Probes
(Vertical scale = 200 mA/div, Horizontal scale = 20 ns/div)
The waveform in Figure 8 is
essentially the same as in Figure 6. Placing the resistor on the
opposite end of the board made no difference. This is to be expected when
the size of the boards are small compared to the wavelength at the
frequency of interest, 34 MHz in this example.
The resistor could have been added
directly in parallel with the wire connecting the two boards with the
same result. This technique can be used to damp board resonance when
the board is constrained to a single point of connection to another
board or a system chassis.